Thursday, August 13, 2009

Poems by Michelangelo (3)

This sonnet was written in 1534 by Michelangelo for Tommaso Cavalieri, his prodigy and, later, best friend until his death.

English version :

Not even by raising my thoughts as high as possible can I imagine another figure, whether of pure spirit or of earthly flesh, with which my will arm itself against your beauty.

For, separated from you, I seem to sink so low that Love deprives and strips me of all strength; so when I think of lessening my sufferings he, doubling them, threatens me with death.

It is useless, then, for me to spur on my flight, doubling the pace at which I fly from hostile beauty, for the less speedy never gains distance on one who moves so swiftly.

Love with his own hands dries my eyes, promising that I shall hold all effort dear: for he who costs so much cannot himself be base.

Italian version :

Non posso altra figura immaginarmi o di nud’ ombra o di terrestre spoglia, col più alto pensier, tal che mie voglia contra la tuo beltà di quella s’ armi.

Chè da te mosso, tanto scender parmi, c’ Amor d’ ogni valor mi priva e spoglia, ond’ a pensar di minuir mie doglia duplicando, la morte viene a darmi.

Però non val che più sproni mie fuga, doppiando ‘l corso alla beltà nemica, chè ‘l men dal più veloce non si scosta.

Amor con le sue man gli occhi m’ asciuga, promettendomi cara ogni fatica: chè vile esser non può chi tanto costa.