Thursday, August 27, 2009

What are You Laughing At ?

Some people said, if we want to know a person’s true nature, we should see how he or she treats children. Others said we should see how he or she treats the inferiors. Maybe you have your own criterias, I don’t know. I do have my own criterias. But now, I have one new criteria in my mind. I once read a fan-fiction story, in which the main character said a very meaningful line, “if you want to know a person’s true nature, you should see when he or she laugh.” And recently, I just found out what that line means.

Few days ago, I got a severe allergic reaction attack plus a mild food poisoning. I had to stayed in bed for several days, worst experience in my medical records. At first, I felt a little bit queasy in my stomach after I ate a portion of re-heated shrimp at lunch, and then itchy red spots started to appear on my skin. It was few at first, and I felt good enough to go for work, so that’s what I did. I went for work. It went well for the first one hour, but after break-time, I gave up. I went down to instructor’s office to take a rest (by the way, I’m teaching at study center), and felt gradually worse than before.

I tried to hide my true condition from my friends, but eventually they found out, probably because my face was already turning redder and redder. “What happened to you ?” One asked. It was impossible for being discreet anymore, so I told them truth. What I ate, how it started, and so on. My boss finally took pity on me and told me to go home. I packed my bag and went to the front office, where several of my friends already sat and chatted. And when they saw me, walking gingerly because of stomachache, with my face already turned red and hot while my body felt so cold, do you know what they did ? They laugh.

This is what they said, “next time you eat shrimp, you have to bring some for us. Why, you got sick alone because you didn’t bother to bring some for us.”

If I didn’t ill, that was a joke. But in my condition that time, nothing I could think about except “what a cruel joke ! I even have to try hard to be polite, let alone to laugh along.” Thank God I still had self-restrain to kept myself from snapping at them. Along the journey to hospital, inside my mother’s car, my mind wandered into that story, and that line. “You should see when they laugh.” Yes, I finally understood that. How many times we found ourselves laugh at something that clearly didn’t have to be laugh at ? When someone stumped and fell and clearly in pain ? When someone said wrong answer in the classroom ? When someone “looked funny” because they have imperfect feature or body parts ?

I’ll let you people answer that.

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