Monday, December 28, 2009

Too Many Times I Used Umbrella

After several days of hot weather (and several fires, too), it was finally rainy season in my town. Before that, I already learnt not to trust cloudy sky, because cloudy sky doesn’t always lead to rain. Sometimes they just linger for a while, and then cheerily blown away by those damn wind (oops, did not mean to curse, sorry). But that day was different.

It was started on early morning. The sun was hid beneath the clouds. Then, the sky was just getting darker and darker. Finally, about 11.00 AM, drip…drip…drip… and it was rain ! Not small, insignificant small drops, but a heavy rain. Chilly wind blew through the window, and I just couldn’t hold the urge to stand and hopping happily. “Yay ! Rain !” Thank God I was in my house, not in my workplace or market or somwhere else, because I know I will still hopping happily when it happens and makes people look at me like I am insane.

I love rain. I always have since I was a little girl. So much love that sometimes I feel bad just because I’m happy while everyone have their business disturbed by constant pour of water from the sky. Rain makes everything around me become shadier, quieter, more peaceful. Rain enhance the smell of grasses, mosses, flowers, and earth. The sounds of water dripping on any surface have rythmic quality that can be as effective as any relaxation music record. And the sad thing about all of that ? I have no more guts to come out barefooted everytime the rain happens.

When I was a little girl, I had no burden. I didn’t have paperworks and important documents to be protected, and I have no destinations that required me to wore anything fancy. So, when everyone hurriedly protected themselves from rain, I had all places for myself, running-junping-splashing around like a maniac. Didn’t think, just became one with the spirit of rain, if such things are real, though I do feel something magical everytime rain hits my skin.

Now, several years had passed. And I just realised now that too many times I used umbrella. That day, I was crying for no reason. Why, oh, why, I thought, I abandoned my friend, the spirit of rain, for some paperworks and documents and fancy clothes ?

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