Monday, July 27, 2009

Poems by Michelangelo (2)

This sonnet was written in 1507. I love this one because of it’s simple, honest, yet beautiful descriptive style. Although very romantic, there’s no documentary evidence connected with this poem, that Michelangelo has a passionate sexual attraction to woman. Michelangelo was believed to be homosexual in orientation, and this poem probably merely a practice in poetic tradition.

English version

The garland on her golden hair, cheerful and finely woven with flowers, is so joyful that each flower presses the one in front as if all are vying to be the first to kiss her head !

That dress which fits tightly round her breast, and then seems to flow down freely, is happy as the day is long, and that net made of what is called spun-gold never tires of touching her cheeks and neck.

But that happy ribbon of fine gold thread seems to rejoice more fully still, being so arranged that it presses and touches the bosom it encircles.

And the simple girdle that twines round her seems to be saying to itself: “Here I wish to clasp forever.” So what then might my arms do ?

Italian version

Quanto si gode, lieta e ben contesta di fior sopra’ crin d’ or d’ una, grillanda, che l’ altro inanzi l’ uno all’ altro manda, come ch’ il primo sia a baciar la testa !

Contenta è tutto il giorno quella vesta che serra ‘l petto e poi par che si spanda, e quel c’ oro filato si domanda le guanci’ e ‘l collo di toccar non resta.

Ma più lieto quel nastro par che goda, dorato in punta, con sì fatte tempre che preme e tocca il petto ch’ egli allaccia.

E la schietta cintura che s’ annoda mi par dir seco: “qui vo’ stringer sempre”. Or che farebbon dunche le mia bricca ?

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