Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Welcome, reader

Size does matter. I’m not going to argue about that, because that’s true. But here’s the thing, never mind the size, whether big or small. My blog is not about big things about how to overcome financial crisis, how to make big money in small amount of days, what makes Mr. President from some countries doing this and did not do that, and stuff. Leave those to more competent writers. I’m talking about small stuffs. Simple things. In-depth looking into something very trivial in everyday lives. Something I saw, I heard, I liked, I disliked, I perceived, and I felt. Not important for some but me.

J. R. R. Tolkien (bless him for Lord of the Rings) once said that “Celtic (world) is like a magical bag. You can put everything and take anything from inside.” Or something like that. Replace the “Celtic” with “the world we lived in”. Small things are just like those that we put into the magical bag. The result ? Will varied from one person to another.

Before you read, I only have one thing to say.

They do not built Rome in one day.

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