Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Soft-hearted Beast

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I always consider contradictive things as sexy things (bad term, I know). I am quite an open-minded person, although sometimes it is still challenging to see two clearly different things being put together and still become smoothly mixed. In fact, that’s an eternal concept which helped creating the world we live in. Every aspect in the whole world will not complete without their pairs. Man and woman. Cold and hot. Dark and light. And in my case, a beast and an embodiment of innocence.

This was happened many years ago, probably when I was in 5th or 6th grade in elementary school. I went to Samarinda with my parents, and we shopped in this mall. As usual, the mall in Sunday evening was crowded with people. Obnoxious children, over-accessorized middle-aged women, loud-mouthed guys, chirping teenagers; in short, kind of visitors I would not want to bump into when I was frolicking around that crowded mall while busy trying not to get lost.

I was started to get bored, but my parents seemed didn’t have any intention to leave so quickly. So, while they were looking-out some clothes on the first floor, I chose to stand outside, looking around and hoped to find something interesting to see. Well, there are some things, of course, but when I saw that particular scene, I knew instantly, that that scene would always captured in my mind forever.

Near a stall that sold games software, I saw a man, correction, a very BIG man, with muscles that clearly showed about his well-spent days at gym. He had crew-cut hairdo, topped by a simple white hat. He also very tall, and his neck was like a tree-trunk. To completed that look, he only wore bermuda pants and short-sleeved shirt, showing his tattooed bulky arms. No wonder he attracted so much attentions, eventhough he seemed didn’t realize that. He just kept bowing his head, antithesis of other men with such masculine build, thus provide self-esteem high enough to go out with their face raised high. I could not see his face because he stood with his back faced to me, but then, he turned around, and I finally saw the real reason why people stared at him with such awed looks on their faces.

In his arms, there was a little baby, probably just three or four months old. The baby was asleep, covered in white baby-suit and light-blue blanket. I only could see the baby’s face and white gloves that covered his/her little fists. The baby looked very peaceful in the man’s arms. With that arm of his, he could easily break the baby. Instead, he occasionally rocked the baby and shifted his arms ever so gently, so as not to woke the baby. And in one particularly touching moment, he bowed and kissed the baby’s temple, his mouth whispered something that I could not decipher. Judging from his expression, it must be some words filled with love.

My parents finally had to dragged me from there, because I could not stop looking at that marvellous couple. You can say that that was one of my early experience in sporting contradictions, because after that, I kept repeating this phrase in my mind: a soft-hearted beast. And I get addicted to it.

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